It has a soft and smooth feel that's comfortable to the touch. It's also breathable and insulating, which means it helps prevent sweat from building up on your body. This makes it perfect for women with hot flashes or menopause symptoms!

Unlike cotton and linen, which are made of short plant fibers that are spun together to make longer threads, silk is cultivated from the cocoon of mulberry silkworm larvae. The resulting silk filaments are stronger than those of cotton or linen.
In addition, it's incredibly durable and resistant to dirt and odours. This, combined with its strong tensile strength, makes it ideal for garments and upholstery.
Silk is one of the most hypoallergenic fabrics, so it won't irritate sensitive skin. It's also anti-fungal and resists dust mites.
It can be easily dyed, so it has a wide range of colors that can be used to create various designs and patterns. It's also highly absorbent, so it can hold up well when washing and drying your clothes.
The most important thing to remember about silk is that it's a natural fiber, so it may have small imperfections that aren't noticeable on the outside. This can cause a slight fuzziness or texture, but these are only minor and shouldn't impact your experience with the product.